We visited Trim Castle today in a very Irish drizzle to shower. The children took it in turns to express their lack of team spirit so I missed a good bit of both what the tour guide was saying and reading the placards. Since this is a far from rare occurrence, we've started springing for the 50 cent visitor's guides put out by the Office of Public works. We can then later find out what it is that we saw and wholeheartedly endorse this strategy if you find yourself touristing with children.
The thing that keeps knocking me in the face is the saying about how "100 years is old to an American and 100 miles is far to an Englishman." This church from the 1700s (I think) would be considered highly historic in an American town.
These shops are built on the doorstep of a 11th century castle.
I saw cross country practice next to the ruins of a medieval Abbey.
N R 1771 |
Cambell 1743 |
Obviously, the best part of a castle is jumping on the drainage grate.
While touring, the big kids lead the way...
while Noah brings up the rear.

I did get to listen to the tour in the chapel. These were 2 openings to keep the holy water. After it was used, there were drains that made their way to the outside of the castle walls where they then drained down the walls to return to the earth- the only acceptable disposal of holy water. Interestingly, the clergy would accompany their lords in battle. However, they were not allowed to draw blood. So, they were only allowed to use clubs and maces. Inflicting death via concussion was apparently fine according to the powers that be.
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